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This week on the 250th episode of Dopey! The Wicked Fiah Summah continues with Colicchie, the YouTube king of addiction hip hop. He lays down his unbelievable story of debauchery, recovery, relapse and repeat in a full on Dopey tutorial! We hear about his highs and lows and how he discovered his gift for rhyming at his very bottom. PLUS old friends, psychedelic dentistry, a cracked out email from a listener celebrating 22 years and much much more on a rarified, dopified, crackified, bonafide hell of a ride episode of Dopey!
This week on Dopey! The nitty gritty on love addiction, obsession, heartbreak and relapse. We also hear super high octane Dopey Sex stories. Bob Forrest calls in with a bad flu, to tell us about his crazy weekend playing with Thelonious Monster, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jane's Addiction and Fishbone. Dave talks dogs, the show, and more! Plus multiple international voicemails, emails Alan and much much more. On a very obsessive, and seriously debauched new drug store wine buying, super vodka drinking, vending machine cracked out, mile high club episode of Dopey.